My Account

Password Update, Beta Server Access, & View-Only Login Management

Features Accessible to all users with full system access 


Within "My Account" a user can update their existing password and manage view-only logins for clients to access both the main system as well as the Sculpture Hospitality Analytics Dashboard.

Table of Contents:

Password Update:

This feature will update the password for the login that is currently being utilized to access this page. To change the password, you must know the current password.

Password Update

IMPORTANT NOTE: Every time a password is changed, anyone using this login will need to log out and back in for both the online system AND the Inventory Application.

View-Only Login Management

Through My Account, a user with full system access can create and manage view-only logins for both the online inventory platform as well as the report dashboard. 


1) Cloud: Present only when Multiple Clouds are linked to the managing user's login; filters the available clients field to determine which logins should be displayed.

2) Clients: A list of available clients, specific to a cloud, that a user can add, edit, or remove a view-only login for.

3) Present Logins: As seen in the example, these two logins have view-only access to both the report dashboard and standard system for the Sample Client ID 1111.

4) New Login Creation: Inputting a Username and Password here will create a view-only login able to access both systems. NOTE: Passwords are note displayed and are encrypted 

5) ADD: Selecting "add" will create this login, selecting the trashcan will trash it. But only for the client.


You can create "group" view-only logins by adding the same login to multiple clients.