Import Sales via. File

Sales Importer, importing sales data from a point-of-sale system into our online inventory platform via .txt or .csv file in UTF8 formats.

Sales & Recipes > Import Sales via File

Step 1: Importing your File

Identify which Station and Price Level to import the point-of-sale dates into. Once identified, determine if the file should...

    • ADD Sales - will add the new sales file data into what currently exists.
    • REPLACE  Sales - will replace the existing data with the newest sales file data.
    • SUBTRACT Sales - will reduce the existing data by the data from the new sales file.

Lastly, use the choose file feature to locate the file and upload.



Using REPLACE does not zero existing sales, use the "Zero Sales" tool on the main page prior to import if zeroing is required.

Accepted File Formats are .txt / .csv in UTF-8 encoding only. Other file formats may results in odd characters, the creation of new recipes, or inaccurate data.

Step 2: Splitting Up the Data

After uploading, a screen will provide a sample preview. If the point-of-sale data is not correctly split into columns, identify the appropriate file delimiter and, if needed, qualifier.


TIP: If your data includes a comma

A file qualifier, also know as a text qualifier, is a symbol or character that more clearly defines the boundary between separate, independent regions in plain text or other data file formats. This is especially useful when the data that a user is attempting to import contains characters that match the delimiter. For example, the comma separated format is a widely recognized standard, but when this is used for financial data, values over $999 have the potential to be split a comma.

Step 3: Assigning Columns

With the data split up appropriately into columns, next, a user will need to identify the appropriate column titles. This is also known as "Mapping" the columns.


CAUTION: The left-most column is ranked as the higest priority. If the PLU is in the left-most column, it will import based on PLU numbers. If the left-most column is Name, then the import will focus on the Recipe Names. 

Step 4: Preview and Import

Prior to the final import, review and identify any rows in the point-of-sale data which should be Black Listed. Also pay attention to the column titled "Matched PLU / Name", as it is providing insights into what the outcome will be of the data file.

Once it has been determined that the data is correct, select "Final : Import Data" to complete the process.


Sales Import Log

Reviewing the Sales Import Log is beneficial as it will provide a user a quick and easy way to see what the outcome of the import was to see if any specific items were an issue. These logs are available under the "View Sales Import Logs" button on the main screen.sales_importer_step5